

Size (Acreage): 4.408 AC AND 4.456 AC

Price: 24900

County: Breckinridge

Water: Will need well or cistern

Electric: available at road

Status: Active

Restrictions: no building restrictions

Plat: Plat Document

Aerial: Aerial Document


Beautiful wooded lots in the Custer community.  Lots of wildlife. Some with creek frontage.  
residential or recreational

LOT 10 -- 4.456 AC  $24,900 

Additional Lots:

**All lots sold will have a road maintenance fee*** 
$144.00 at closing and $12 monthly for contracts 
$144 at closing and then $144 annually thereafter
Road maintenance fees will be collected by Kentucky Land Company of Irvington until all lots have been sold by deed or contract for deed, at that time a  road maintenance  committee will need to be formed to maintain the road.

Payment Calculator